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How to Put Screens Back Into Windows

    How to Put Screens Back Into Windows

    Window screens! They’re a blessing, letting in fresh air while keeping pesky bugs outside. But when a screen pops out or needs replacing, getting it back into the window can feel like solving a frustrating puzzle.

    Thankfully, it’s actually quite simple once you know how. Let’s tackle this task together, and you’ll be a master screen installer in no time!

    Step 1: Identify Your Screen Type

    The first step is figuring out what type of screen you’re working with—this will help determine the method you’ll use.  Here are the most common types:

    • Tension Screens: These are the most common type of screen, especially in older homes. You’ll recognize them by their small metal or plastic tabs located near the sides or bottom of the frame. They rely on spring-loaded tabs to hold them in place.
    • Clip-on Screens: As the name suggests, these screens are held in place by clips that attach to the window frame. Look for these around the perimeter of your screen frame.
    • Tilt-in Window Screens: Modern double-hung windows often have screens that tilt inward for easy removal. You’ll find latches or small pins at the top of the screen frame that need to be disengaged before you can tilt them out.

    Step 2: Get Your Workspace Ready

    Before you begin, let’s set things up to make the task easier:

    • Clear the Area: Move furniture or clutter away from the window to give yourself enough space to work comfortably.
    • Floor Protection (optional): If you’re working indoors and are worried about scratching the floor, lay down a blanket or tarp for extra protection.

    Step 3: Installing Your Screen

    Now, let’s get that screen back in place! The exact steps will vary slightly depending on the type of screen you’re working with:

    Installing Tension Screens

    1. Locate the Tabs: Identify the tabs on your screen – they’re usually at the sides or bottom of the frame. They might have a small handle for ease of use.
    2. Hold the Screen in Place: Position the screen in the window opening, with the tabs facing the inside of your home. Make sure the screen is centered and resting snugly against the window frame.
    3. Push and Engage: Press inward on one of the tabs, compressing the spring. While holding it compressed, slightly pull the screen outward, towards you. This will help the tab clear the frame and engage the spring.
    4. Repeat and Secure: Complete the same process with the tab on the opposite side. Once both tabs are engaged give your screen a gentle tug to ensure that they’re firmly seated.

    Installing Clip-on Screens

    1. Find the Clips: Identify the clips around the frame of your screen. There will usually be clips at the top, bottom, and sides.
    2. Line up the screen: Hold the screen in the window opening and carefully line up the clips with their corresponding slots on the window frame.
    3. Engage the Clips: Gently press inward on the screen until you feel or hear the clips snap into place. Work around the frame making sure all clips are fully engaged with the window.

    Installing Tilt-in Window Screens

    1. Raise the Window: Slightly open your window to allow space for maneuvering the screen back into place.
    2. Tilt it In: Holding the screen by the sides, carefully angle the top of the screen inwards and rest the bottom in the track at the base of the frame.
    3. Push and Secure: Once the screen is angled in, gently push it upwards until it’s flush against the top of the window frame. Engage the latches or pins at the top of the screen to lock it back into place securely.

    Step 4: Check and Close

    • Double-check: Give the screen a gentle tug from the inside to ensure it’s securely in place. None of the tabs, clips, or latches should disengage.
    • Close and Test: Close your window completely and check that the screen fits smoothly within the frame. Your window should now be able to open and close properly.

    Troubleshooting: When a Screen Is Stubborn

    Sometimes, screens might feel a bit sticky or refuse to cooperate due to dirt or slightly warped frames. Here are some tricks for a stubborn screen:

    • Clean the Tracks: Wipe down the tracks in the window frame where the screen slides. A clean track helps the screen glide in place easier.
    • Find the Resistance: Press on different parts of the screen to see where it resists. Focus your force on the spot that seems stuck.
    • Gentle Force: Apply a little extra pressure, but be mindful not to bend the frame.
    • **Lubricant (only as a last resort): ** If still struggling, a tiny spritz of WD-40 where the screen meets the frame can sometimes do the trick. Wipe away excess with a clean cloth.

    Safety First!

    Always prioritize safety, especially when working with windows on higher floors. If your windows are located on the second story or above, consider seeking help from a professional. They have the necessary expertise and equipment to handle the task safely and efficiently.

    Additional Tips:

    • Clean Your Screens Regularly: To prevent build-up of dirt and debris that can make reinstallation difficult, it’s recommended to clean your screens regularly. Use a soft brush or a hose with a gentle spray to loosen dirt. Allow the screens to dry completely before reinstalling them.
    • Invest in Quality Screens: While initially tempting, opting for the cheapest window screens might not be the most cost-effective option in the long run. Flimsy materials can tear or bend more easily, causing frustration and requiring frequent replacements. Choose sturdy and well-made screens to ensure they last longer and function effectively.
    • Label Your Screens: If you have multiple windows of different sizes, consider labeling your screens with corresponding numbers or symbols. This can save you time and frustration by ensuring you’re putting the right screen back in the correct window.


    Putting window screens back in place shouldn’t be a daunting task. By identifying your screen type, understanding the simple steps involved, and having the right tools at hand, you can tackle this job with confidence.

    Remember, with a little practice and the tips provided, you’ll be a master screen installer in no time! Let the fresh air flow, and enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done!

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